
Netflix Merchandise Feature Integration

Netflix Merchandise Feature Integration

Netflix Merchandise Feature Integration

2 weeks

Mobile App

2 weeks

Mobile App

2 weeks

Mobile App

Netflix Merchandise
Netflix Merchandise
Netflix Merchandise

My Approach: Introducing a new merchandise feature to Netflix’s mobile app.

  • Netflix launched an online store dedicated to selling limited-edition merchandise catered towards fans of its popular programming. Currently, it’s available only on their website. Bringing it onto their mobile app can boost their revenue by a great deal.

  • My aim here was not just to integrate the merchandise store to the Netflix mobile app, but to make it more personalized and engaged to retain customers that could make Netflix gain more revenue.

  • In my web design journey, I've cultivated a systematic and strategic approach that revolves around innovation, user-centric design, and effective problem-solving. I believe in meticulous planning and execution, with a focus on creating visually captivating and highly functional websites.

    Explore my case study to witness how I translate my approach into impactful, user-centered web solutions.

My Approach: Introducing a new merchandise feature to Netflix’s mobile app.

  • Netflix launched an online store dedicated to selling limited-edition merchandise catered towards fans of its popular programming. Currently, it’s available only on their website. Bringing it onto their mobile app can boost their revenue by a great deal.

  • My aim here was not just to integrate the merchandise store to the Netflix mobile app, but to make it more personalized and engaged to retain customers that could make Netflix gain more revenue.

  • In my web design journey, I've cultivated a systematic and strategic approach that revolves around innovation, user-centric design, and effective problem-solving. I believe in meticulous planning and execution, with a focus on creating visually captivating and highly functional websites.

    Explore my case study to witness how I translate my approach into impactful, user-centered web solutions.

My Approach: Introducing a new merchandise feature to Netflix’s mobile app.

  • Netflix launched an online store dedicated to selling limited-edition merchandise catered towards fans of its popular programming. Currently, it’s available only on their website. Bringing it onto their mobile app can boost their revenue by a great deal.

  • My aim here was not just to integrate the merchandise store to the Netflix mobile app, but to make it more personalized and engaged to retain customers that could make Netflix gain more revenue.

  • In my web design journey, I've cultivated a systematic and strategic approach that revolves around innovation, user-centric design, and effective problem-solving. I believe in meticulous planning and execution, with a focus on creating visually captivating and highly functional websites.

    Explore my case study to witness how I translate my approach into impactful, user-centered web solutions.

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